

Airport Express와 HP1020 프린터의 연결 - 작성중
  • test
  • 2009.07.13 13:40:16
  • 조회 수: 4301

To get it working on the Mac,

1. Download this driver (http://www.railsguru.com/files/1601_LJ_1022_Series_OSX.dmg)
2. Run the installer
3. Go into /Library/Printers/HP and move every file (not including folders) in there into a folder called temp (create the temp folder first).
4. Move all the files from inside the 1022 folder into the parent /Libraries/Printers/HP folder.
5. Restart the mac.
6. Now it should show LaserJet 1020 under HP printers.

Just did this two nights ago. As far as XP goes, that’s what I’m searching for now.

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